Miscellaneous Trips and Events – Busy!

Event: Feathercraft Fly Fishing Festival:

The FATC was well represented at this year’s first Feathercraft (FC) Fly Fishing Festival in Maplewood, MO this past Saturday (October 12th). Our booth was the best by far and we did get a couple new members from this event.  All ten percent of all proceeds from the event will be donated to each of the fly fishing organizations that attended.  Kudos to Mike Bisaga, who worked for weeks on designing and getting our NEW FATC flag made and to Dave Beerbower who made the stand for the flag. This flag will accompany us on all of our out day events (see pictures).  A big thanks to Terry Seaton, Steve Baker, Kenny Klimes, Dave Beerbower, Jim Craig, and Kenny Klimes for manning our booth throughout the day. We saw many of our FATC members attended the festival too.


Trips: A trip to the Piney, errr, Montauk, errr Tan Vat

Sid Aslin, Tim Klotz and Glenn Haake originally planned to go to the Piney Friday, but made a last minute audible for “Better Fishing” at Montauk.   The trio took the back road into the park to check out the stream as they were arriving and were surprised to see almost shoulder to shoulder fisherman up and down the stream.    They later learned that the Rose Holland Derby was taking place this weekend.

Another audible was called and the team headed straight to Tan Vat.   When arriving at Tan Vat, Sid began his FATC evangelizing with Tim from Jackson, MO who was packing up.   The fishing was slow, Glenn had a nice rainbow on, but failed to get it to the net.   Tim had several decent strikes.

After lunch they headed up into the park, which had cleared a bit, but began to get very crowded again with the Friday afternoon derby arrivals around 2:00.

The fishing was “okay” with each getting 6 to 8 in the net.  The fish were rising on and off throughout the day.  The best of the day were, Soft Hackle, black and white wooly buggers, pink worms and Glenn’s mystery fly that he will divulge for a nominal fee, since he’s been made fun of for catching fish with it.  Interesting enough, midges were bringing fish like the Cardinals were bringing in runs during game 2 against Atlanta – “No Bueno”.  During a discussion the next day, a FATC renowned Euro Nympher indicated that evidently they must have been fishing the midges incorrectly.  Hmmm.

Sid, Tim and Glenn fished until late, so their fellowship dinner consisted of Dairy Queen shakes and blizzards to go.

While the official FATC photographer seemed to have taken the day off, attached is a picture stolen from the Montauk Facebook page showing the Rose Holland fishing crowd.   It’s best to stay away from Montauk around this derby.


Alone at Montauk

Hi Ken,

   I got up yesterday and decided to hit Montauk. Arriving at around 8:00 and started fishingin the long pool above Walters stretch as soon as I had my permit. The day was bright and warm with a steady wind blowing. I hoped to use up some terrestrials but it turned out that the trout had other ideas. I switched around to caddis after I received no interest in the beetle and ants. With no luck. I picked out and tied on the parachute Adams In size 18 that worked well on my last trip and that was the ticket to success.
 I caught well over a dozen fish on before lunch. After lunch, I went to the top of the steam and fished the pool below the big weed bed where I always had trouble getting a take. The trout were spectacularly cooperative. After about the fifth fish I checked my fly and they had destroyed the parachute and the body of the Adams. That was my last Adams so I tied on a size 20 BWO parachute and continued to catch fish on that fly until I left.
One thing struck me, the park was pretty empty.  The pool above Walters, I don’t think I saw more than four people in that pool at one time. In the upper pool, there were just me and one other guy down at the bottom of that stretch. It has been a long time since I had that much privacy on that stream. I have to say I enjoyed myself but I wish some of you had been there to enjoy the day with me. Sorry, I don’t have pictures but I don’t carry a camera much since I dropped it in the drink.
Your friend,
Bill Byington

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