Trips: A Day at Montauk

Here’s a fishing report from Mike Meadows:
On Monday 7/8, Don Varner,Glen Haake, Al Blair and Mike Meadows headed out for a day of fishing. We originally planned to go to the Meremec but after a very tough day on the Meremec on Wednesday, Don and Glen suggested Montauk. Upon arriving we were greeted by a very crowded river and were slightly discouraged but were determined to have a great day of fishing.  We parked, suited up and headed  up to the spring.  The water was very clear and slightly low but Glenn was able to quickly hook up with a nice rainbow with beautiful red marking on its face.  The morning was filled with many fish in the net.  Al made his way above the spring and caught several rainbow and a few shiners.  We broke for lunch at noon and headed back for an afternoon that proved to be better than the morning.  Glen had such a great day he even had a family of spincasters stalking his every move and every time he hooked up with a fish they swarmed in and got in on the action.
All in all it was a beautiful day on the river with some great fellowship.  We ended the day with some great food and fellowship at El Nopal in Sullivan and arrived home around 8.

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