Service: What’s Outdoors for Kids and Grown Ups!!

This year’s What’s Outdoors was a huge success. A BIG thank you goes out to all our FATC volunteers for helping in this great event. The weather cooperated a little better this year – no rain but we did have to fight the wind a little.  The FATC had four booths for the kids and families to enjoy along with the over 25 other booths on display.

We taught fly casting, fly tying and fly-fishing knots while many of the FATC manned the fishing pond. The fishing pond seemed to be the big hit of the day as kids caught fish after fish.

If you didn’t get the chance to serve this year or bring your kids/grand-kids out to this event there will always be next year.  Again, I thank all the volunteers for a great job – WELL DONE FATC.



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