2019 FATC Charity Dinner

Our 8th annual FATC Charity Dinner is now in the books.  It was an awesome evening as we had a “record” number of attendees at 84.  The Falls Golf Club was packed, and it made for a very enjoyable event.  Everyone attending received a coupon for a free haircut from the Hair Saloon for Men owned by our member Brian Yost.  The dinner started at 6:30pm as the guys bought their raffle tickets for over $6000 worth of raffle items for them to bid on.  All proceeds from the raffle went to our three charities; Project Healing Waters (PHW), Casting for Recovery and the Mayfly Project.

Kenny opened the dinner with introductions of our guests and our new Board of Directors.  Our guests included Jason Edwards from Woolybugger Fly Company and Nick and Angie Dooley from Dooley’s Fly Fishing.  Greg Krochta, the Denver Fellowship Lead, flew in from Denver to join us for our event. Our speaker(s) for this evening were – by video – Jess Westbrook (Mayfly Project) and Whitney Milhoan (Casting for Recovery).  Our speaker – in person – was Amy Milne from Project Healing Waters. Amy is the Regional Coordinator for the PHW Heartland Region.  Our fellowship works with Amy on different functions whenever we are needed.

The dinner was superb along with all the fellowship for the evening.  On behalf of the fellowship, Kenny presented out-going Vice Chairman Terry Seaton with a gift for all his hard work over the past two years as the Vice.  Terry has been with the fellowship from the beginning and has worked hard to make it one of the best in the country.  Our Bob Chott ”Servant’s Heart” award went to Bill Lowry this year for all his volunteer work and his What’s Outdoors program that he led for the entire St Louis area.  Greg Krochta received the Lew Smith “Spirit of Fly Fishing” award for his work building the Denver fellowship and helping his guys to get more involved in fly fishing out in Colorado.

The evening ended with our raffle as you can see from the pictures many won some awesome prizes for donating to our three charities.  If you couldn’t make it this year make sure you make next year’s event.  We will be announcing soon how much we will pass along to each charity this year. Thanks to all who attended and made this one of our best events ever.


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