Trips: Hey, The Burgers Are Done!!

Sorry for the little play on words there! But it is true, the Burgers – ok, the Bergers – are done and graduated. Ken Berger completed the FATC fly fishing class he took two years ago with his brother, Ron, by getting out on the water Friday, January 18th. Ron finished the class two years ago and has been bugging his brother, Ken, to ‘get ur done’ ever since. So, as I said the Bergers are done!!

Kenny Klimes took Ken Berger, his brother Ron, Pete Drochelman, Jim Craig, Al Blair, Sid Aslin, Miles Meyer and a guest to Montauk State park to complete Ken’s graduation.  It was a cloudy, chilly day but Ken and the rest got into fish right from the beginning.  Ken caught his first trout on a fly rod stripping a woolybugger (not wooly berger – ha, I crack myself up sometimes!). After that he hammered a few on the soft hackle and then some nymphs. By noon he had caught fish on all the techniques taught. Great job, Ken.  Ron hung close to his brother most of the day. I just think he wanted to hear him get yelled at by Kenny – must be a brother thing.

The rest of the gang spread out around the park and we got together at lunch time to talk strategy.  It seemed like the best flies were numerous as the guys pulled out all the stops.  Woolybuggers, soft hackles, nymphs, midges and san juan worms all caught fish.  A little chill in the air kept a lot of fly fishers at home this day which was fine with us.  We fished until the siren as usual and decided, because of the large group to take Ken to Hicks BBQ for his graduation fellowship dinner. And yes, as graduation tradition has it, he ordered their famous Ory’s Spud (along with a couple others to our surprise). It was a great day on the water and among good friends. Less than a month until catch and release season ends so get out there soon – just dress for the cold.

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