Trips: Lost in Montauk?

What happens when you take three new guys to Montauk (and Sid) that have never been there before – they get lost!  Actually, only one got lost but he had a good day.  This was a special trip set up over a month ago by new guy Nick Carper who wanted to fish with his son, Lincoln. Lincoln is an officer in the Navy going through his training as an Intelligence officer. He came home on leave and Nick created a father/son trip but invited the FATC to join him. So we did!

Sid Aslin, Bob Beckett and Kenny Klimes crammed into the back seat of Nick’s car and the five drove off to fish Montauk State park. Yes, it was cold – in the mid twenties – but a heat wave hit Montauk as the temperature shot up to 36 degrees by noon.  The guys were told about a secret trail by Sid to get to the beginning of the park so we took it. And check the pictures to see who we saw fishing along this secret trail!  But Sid didn’t fail us as we got to the head waters of the park and fished down stream from there.

One lessoned learned this day. if you have never been to a fishing location before don’t lose sight of the guys that have been there before. Bob did just that, missed lunch but found us all at the end of the day. We fished from the beginning of the spring all the way to behind the lodge. Don’t miss out on the good fishing downstream from the bridge at the park entrance. AND if it’s available the big hole right behind the lodge will get you some easy pickings! Overall it was a little tougher fishing day than in the past couple of weeks. But everyone caught fish and learned a few new techniques. The best flies were soft hackles, WB, mohair leeches, red midges and pheasant tail nymphs. For a Saturday it wasn’t very crowded and the guys pretty much could fish where they wanted – maybe the cold temperatures scared a few people away. But don’t let that scare you away – just dress for it.

Lincoln got to pick the location of fellowship dinner and opted for Missouri Pizza in St James. The owner, Bubba, was working and sat and talked with us for awhile. The pizza was good as usual and the beer/soda was cold. Can’t ask for more than that…  You have just 1-1/2 months until catch and release season is over so don’t miss out.


One Response

  • Kenny,
    I wasnt lost, I just didnt know where u were 🙂
    Had a great time fishing and the company was first rate. The pizza wasnt bad either.
    Sid and I wont tell anyone about ur issues with the seat belt. Its ur story and u can just stick with it!
    Thanks for letting me join the group.

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