Service: RankenJordan – FINALLY!!

We finally had the opportunity to help RankenJordan Pediatric Bridge hospital with their “Therapeutic Fishing Day”.  The last three were cancelled; two due to excessive heat warnings and one was rained out.  It was great to see the kids again as they had the chance to get out of the hospital and take a couple hours fishing. Thanks to all the guys that made this possible by helping the kids fish at Forest Park.  The kids showed up right on time and after a quick dinner they were ready to fish. The fishing or should I say “catching” was constant as our FATC guys were running back and forth getting worms and putting them on the hooks.

We have one more RankenJordan fishing event to go this year and that will probably be Monday, October 15th from 5:30pm – 7pm.  Don’t miss your chance to help this year.  Watch for FATC emails for details or keep an eye on our web site.

After the event the guys had a fellowship dinner at the Shake Shack in the Central West End – boy, they have good burgers. Also a big thank you to Jim Craig, Our Community Service chairman, for putting this all together.



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