Trips: BIG Trip to Montauk

With an awesome weather day forecast a BIG group of FATC guys hit the the Current river at Montauk on this Friday.  Eight men (Mike Oldani, Brian Yost, Barry Dunnegan, Bill Byington, Jim Craig, Time Welsch, Glenn Haake and Kenny Klimes) took the trip and weren’t disappointed.  The fishing was good and the fellowship even better.  The gang fished in Montauk park on this day. Still a little crowded with school not in session but give it one more week and the crowds will slowly die down.  The water in the park is low as are most rivers in Missouri right now.  The water is super clear so it seemed that the smaller the flies the better on this day.  The consensus was that the best fishing took place in the faster moving water so look for the riffles and runs no matter how shallow they may seem.  The fish are loaded in the park – you just have to figure out what they want BUT remember the correct presentation, depth and weight used are very important.

A myriad of flies did well but those that leaned towards the smaller size seemed the best.  Midges, nymphs, small san juan worms, ants/beetles, soft hackles, pheasant tails, RS2s and a few others worked the best. Even dead drifting a woolybugger under an indicator brought in some fish. Light tippet and fluorocarbon tippet is needed with the water so clear.  The group fished only in the fly only area running from the top to the bottom in the morning and then again in the afternoon.

It was an awesome day of fellowship as new friendships were made. Deer and mink were seen roaming the shoreline. Enjoy the pictures and get out there and fish with us.



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