Trips: Montauk revisited!

Here is a report from Dave Beerbower on a recent trip to Montauk State park:

This past Thursday (May 24th), Gary Elliot, Jim and Dave Franke, Sid Aslin and Dave Beerbower decided to give Montauk a try. It was a beautiful, warm day and two of the guys decided to wet wade. The morning was very productive in the Park and everyone was on to fish right away. Black leeches, Crane fly larvae, Olive wooly buggers and worms were the best producers down deep. The Park was fairly crowded, but not bad. After lunch, we all headed down to the cable area and the fishing slowed down considerable as the sun got brighter and hotter. We headed home after 4pm and hit the barn in Bourbon for chicken to end a great day. Thought to add one of Sid’s baby pictures for your enjoyment.


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