Trips: BIG Trip

Well, this is how is works. You announce a trip on the FATC calendar and before you know it eight guys are on their way to fish. What a blast!  Eight FATC members, including one of our newest members, Tim Welsh (welcome TIM!!), headed down to the Meramec river to check it out. Since Cardiac Hill was fishing well the past month we thought that the Meramec river outside the park just might do the same.  Jim Craig, Jim Anzer, Barry Dunnegan, Paul Schneider, Bill Byington, Sid Aslin, Tim Welsh and Kenny Klimes joined forces to fish on this Thursday.

The fishing was good in the morning hours with most of the guys fishing with stoneflies; big fly – big fish? The morning hours seemed to be the best for fishing as it slowed down to hardly any catches in the afternoon.  The guys fished mostly stoneflies, mohair leeches, woolybuggers, and nymphs.  Everyone had a chance to fish the bend while Barry, Paul, Jim Craig, Tim and Kenny worked downstream to dry creek.  Fish were seen but they didn’t want to play much.  Jim, Kenny, Paul and Tim decided to try and walk to the beginning of Cardiac Hill area – big mistake.  The long walk wasn’t worth it as the fish there were not biting. Needless to say it was a LONG walk back.

Despite few fish caught during the day the guys did enjoy it fully.  New friendships were made and renewed.  We stopped fishing about 4:30pm and met up with Craig Dull and Jim Franke, who were fishing Montauk, at our Mexican restaurant.  Well, it’s almost ours since we eat there so much – Goooood!

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