Forum Home Fly Tying Soft Hackle Hook Preference

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    • #3846

      I really enjoy tying and fishing Soft Hackle flies. So far I’ve used the Mustad R70 size 14 & 16, the Alee Jackson Soft-Hackle hook size 13 and the Daiichi 1150 size 14 & 16 to tie them with. I tried the Gamakatsu C13U but the hook is so lite the Soft Hackle doesn’t sink well and rides on top of the water. My favorite is the Daiichi 1150, it’s easy to tie with, the eye of the hook is slightly larger than most, it’s super sharp, it gets below the surface of the water easily and I seem to have more hook ups when fishing with it.

      With all that said, what is your favorite hook to use when tying and fishing Soft Hackle flies?

    • #3848
      Tim McCoy

      I like the Daiichi 1150 also, but may sub in some other emerger hook. Like a TMC 2487, it is a fine wire, 2x wide and 2x short. Also, I like to float my soft hackles in the film so I would use a dry-fly hook like a
      TMC 100BL and grease the tippet 6 to 8 inches up from the fly. My soft hackles are thread bodies with Partridge or CDC hackles, nothing fancy, I go through a lot of them.

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