What a successful event!! Not only full of vast knowledge but also fellowship for all. Approximately forty men showed up at the Commons last night to hear Ben Havens, Bennett Spring hatchery manager, talk on the renovation at Bennett Spring hatchery and answering questions on all thing’s trout. Ben told us all about the rearing of trout, where the trout are stocked and how they survive in the wild. The questions were flying as the guys wanted to know more and more about the fish they pursue when they head to the river.
The Bennett Spring renovation should be completed by the end of 2025 and will be a state-of-the-art facility. It will include new trout pens, an all-new way to get to the water to the hatchery, generators if they area loses power, ways to provide oxygen to the trout if needed and much, much more. Ben also discussed how often and where the Niangua River is stocked with trout.
After Ben’s briefing the FATC presented him with an official, and most coveted FATC logo T-shirt. We also had a drawing for one of our official FATC logo caps which was won by our very own Vernon Preston. The briefing ended around 9pm (an impressive 2-hour event) with several men hanging around in the parking lot afterwards catching up with old friends.
Have a great summer with family and friends. I know many of you are headed to fishing locations this summer. Tight lines and be safe.
Kenny Klimes
FATC Chairman