Trips: Time for a Trip to Bennett Spring


Wanting to get one more trip in before the regular trout season was over, I posted on the Team up calendar and it was not long before others joined in.  My thinking was that with the kids back in school and it being the middle of the week, the park would not be crowded.  Seven of us met up at the commuter lot on Wednesday, Ryan Young, Vernon Preston, Bob Hassett, Chris Beahm, Ken Weller, Chris Friezen, [who is a member of Ozark Fly Fishers] and myself Steve Baker.  Harold Bates, Doug Smedley and Dan Staggenborg would also join us at the park.  After arriving at the lodge and getting our tags, we met at our usual spot just below the Holland Dam.  As we geared up, we quickly realized that the park was more crowded than expected.  Maybe the meat eaters were taking advantage of the last chance for catch and keep.  The weather for the day was as good as we needed with overcast skies and pleasant temperatures.  The low water level and clarity were going to be our challenge.

We were forced to spread out and look for places to squeeze in.  Several guys headed up by the spring or above and below the Holland Dam.  Ryan Young and I decided to take a walk and check out the area below the bridge.  We had noticed when driving to the lodge that that spot was wide open.  We both tried a dry fly for a few minutes with no takers and then Ryan switched to a midge and I tied on an egg with a perdigon below.  That proved to be the ticket for me and I was able to net a half dozen fish under the bridge before moving down stream and netting 6 more in the seam along the bank.  Ryan was also able to pick up a couple in the morning.  At lunchtime we made are way back to the picnic table for lunch and learned that everyone had some success in the morning with Bob Hassett proving that the H.O.P. under an egg pattern, was the go to rig.  Other flies that produced in the morning were the crackle back, perdigon, midges, Bennett Spring Killer and Ken had some Dry Fly action on the Headlight Caddis.  The success with the morning’s fishing had us all wanting to get back to it.  After a quick lunch, everyone headed out for more fishing and we once again split up.  I found the fishing in the afternoon to be more challenging as there were more anglers crowded into my favorite honey holes.  I did manage a few more fish and was pleased with the day’s fishing as was everyone else.  Nobody got skunked.

It was decided at lunch that we would fish until 4:30 and then regroup before making our way to Rolla for a fellowship dinner at American Taco.  It has become a favorite place to eat, as the food is good and it makes for a quick in and out.  As usual, the conversation at dinner was about the days fishing and the fun we always seem to have when going on these trips.  Best I can tell, everyone seems ready for the winter fishing season to start including me.  Just remember you do not have to wait for someone else to post a trip.  If you want to fish, post it on the calendar.  You would be surprised how many of your FATC brothers are looking for someone to go fishing with.

This fellowship is all about making new friends and learning from each other as well as participating in community service and supporting our designated charities.

Thank You

Steve Baker

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