Trips: Brown-Town Ave (Is There Such a Place?)

So, Matt McClure and I ( Jason Edwards) and an old buddy Josh hit up Baptist camp. Matt and I drove down Friday and arrived at Pinecrest about 3pm. We relaxed and organized are gear. The goal was to hit the stream about 5:30-6 that evening. My buddy arrived about 4pm and we finally found someone that talks more than Matt. LOL 

We drove down to Baptist Camp and jumped out of the car and. several guys saw us and they scurried downstream like cockroaches to beat us to the holes. But little did they know we had a secret trail. So, we hit the cut off trail and jumped in front of them. 

BAM first cast Matt lands a brown. I move down stream to the next hole third cast Bam! I land a brown then another. That’s how the evening went between 6-8:30pm the fish count was Matt 5, Jason 4, Josh 1 (Josh was new to blue ribbon water). We finally got off the water at sunset and went back to the camper and talked about the epic day of fishing.

Day two we woke up and started off pulling our gear back together and deciding where we were going to fish that day. We finally decided that Baptist Camp was the place to go. It had been on fire, and we wanted to keep it up. I finally kicked Matt & Josh in the butt, and we left for the stream close to 9:15. We were on the water by 9:40  When we arrived in the parking lot it was the same situation, so we headed for the cutoff. We dropped off at 555 Brown-Town Avenue.

Day two was even better than the first Matt 15+ fish, Jason 13+ fish and Josh 7 fish. Out of all of those fish only two were rainbows. Multiple 17 inchers and one 19 incher were landed. The flies of the day were perdigons, big hurt and rainbow warriors. But most fish took the perdigons. Having tungsten was really important as the fish were in the current and you needed to get down fast and high stick.

We worked our way all the way down around the 90-degree bend and fished a quarter to half mile past that. It was a momentous day, but we had to get going at 4pm. We wanted ice cream from the park. Back at the camper that evening we made pizza. We went to sleep to storms wondering about tomorrow.

Sunday, we woke up to storms and the question of the morning was would we be able to fish and if so, would it be worth it?

Matt & I went back and forth with our decision all morning as Josh left the night before. We were on the fence since it was raining, and we didn’t want to put wet waders on. We finally suited up at 9 and drove down to Baptist Camp. Still unsure if we were fishing, the parking lot was empty, and we decided to take another run at it. 

BAM, BAM, BAM,BAM. We were rigged up from the day before with olive perdigons and right off the bat were laying into them. Matt landed a big brown! We fished 2 hours and caught close to 30 fish between the two of us. 

The highlights of the trip were being able to reconnect with an old buddy, relax, laugh and catch some amazing fish. 


Jason Edwards

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