Trips: Best Class EVER!!

I have been teaching fly fishing since 2007 (actually 2005) but for the Flyfishers at the Crossing it has been 2007. We usually average twelve men per class and give the class twice per year, so you figure out how many guys that makes. But I have to say I have never had a class like the 2022 Fall FATC fly fishing class. Within a month of completing the class, we have had eight men graduate with one more scheduled in less than four days from now. That would be nine within a month’s time – simply awesome.

This trip put Raul Vargas and Bob Palisch in the barrel to be tested and quizzed! We had around ten FATC join instructors Kenny Klimes and Jim Craig to cheer on Raul and Bob during their graduation day. Taking the trip on this chilly day was Al Blair, Don Varner, Bob Hassett, Mike Bisaga, Denny Garner, Matt McClure, George Wong (potential member from Springfield, MO), and the Spring River boys came by to fish with us after their trip which included Dan Staggenborg, Derrik Kassebaum, Bill Keenum and Harold Bates. As usual during the catch and release season we had the entire park pretty much to ourselves.

Bob and Raul caught fish right away as stripping woolybuggers and swinging soft hackles proved to be the ticket. Bob and Raul worked on techniques from the “boulder” downstream with plenty of room to fish and very few “Christmas trees” to lose flies in. The rest of the gang moved upstream to fish until the lunch time bell rang. Most had fish in the net by noon.

After lunch the two new “graduates” went up stream to see the beginning of the park and fish downstream. Kenny also grabbed George Wong and worked with Raul and George in the afternoon. He didn’t bring his rod this time but still caught fish!! How does he do that? Jim worked with and followed Bob until the end of the day. All the rest of the FATC did well on an eclectic group of flies – buggers, soft hackles, midges of all flavors, crane fly larva (da Mop), Mayer’s leech patterns, and more, I think even Al Blair used his go to fly the headlight caddis!!

The catching has been very good during the is winter season and the temperatures have been very mild for the winter. Even though temperatures are in the 40s remember it is still chill with the higher-than-normal humidity. AND please don’t wear cotton (not cotton hoodies, socks, underwear, or jeans. If, that is if, you accidentally fall in wearing cotton hypothermia can set in fast. We have seen it happen in the winter and NO ONE is safe from not falling in.

We all celebrated the graduation by having Mexican food in Salem at Armandas restaurant. New friends were made, and old friends reacquainted. More trips are scheduled, and I hope to see you on one before the winter catch and release season comes to an end.

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