Trips: A “Sponsored Trip” with Friends

Here is a trip that four of our guys took to Westover Farms here in Missouri. Westover Farms is one of our FATC sponsors and a private fishing location that will give us a full day of fishing for 1/2 day price. Check them out!

Thanks to a lucky draw on one of my FATC charity dinner raffle tickets I, Harold Bates, was winner of a trip to Westover Farms for four people.  Invitations went out to fellow FATC members Mike Bisaga, Mike Oldani, and Jason Edwards and all accepted. I picked Jason and Mike B up and we met Mike O at the commuter lot in Eureka at 6:30am and headed to Westover.

The day was cool and cloudy, chance of rain but it blew over and remained breezy the rest of the day.  After checking in with Westover we parked and started gearing up. Mike B, Mike O, and I decided on our Euro Nymphing rods and Jason hit the water with his fly rod.  The water was shallow as we tried the creek running through the park first. Mike B landed one and dug it out of the creek with his net, pictures taken and we continued working around the park.  Later we walked down to Dry Creek and with the shallow water and the breeze working against us the Euro Nymphing rods were switched out to fly rods. Mike O was able to get one more into the net before the switch.  Across the bridge and into another part of Dry Creek and Jason was able to put one in the net, unfortunately all the cameras were in the other direction.

We decided to break for lunch and on the way back started checking under the rocks, scuds and mayfly midges galore. Mike O called the rocks Bug Condos there were so many.  After lunch we went down to Dry Creek close to the fly shop and hatcheries.  I put a nice one in the net and continued to try my luck on down the creek.  I heard Jason yelling and knew he needed help.  Jason had been fishing between a waterfall a bridge when he hooked into a 20 incher, coming around the corner I saw his pole bent in two and he calmly asked “do you have a net”?  His old one had been trashed and he had not replaced it. Jumping in the water with my net, Jason steered the big bow towards my net, on the second try the fish was in the net.  Smiles all around and lots of pictures Jason released the big bow and we went back to fishing.  The rest of the afternoon until sunset there were a lot of hits and near misses but no one put anymore fish in the nets.  Packed up and a short ride to Steelville we stopped for a fellowship dinner.  The special was fried catfish ordered by three of us and a Chicken Mess sandwich and apple pie for Mike B. Back at the commuter lot we all agreed that the day on the river was enjoyed by all and we hoped to see each other on the water again soon.  Now all I have to do is get lucky again with a raffle ticket and repeat the trip!!

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