Trips: A Good Day

A Good Day

On Friday September 16, Glenn Haake, Kenny Klimes, Bill Byington, Al Blair and Harold Bates headed to the current river to try their luck at Montauk on a beautiful day.   When they arrived, they saw a sign indicating that a tournament was taking place Saturday and Sunday.   With visions of crowds in their head, Glenn and Kenny headed below the cable.    They hit a pool just below the cable that was loaded with fish, each bringing several to the net.  Kenny with a Barr’s emerger and Glenn with a Euro rod fishing an orange perdigon and a hare’s ear nymph.    (There was a huge hatch when they got there).   After a while, Glenn headed down river with Kenny yelling after him “You never leave fish to find fish!”.   He was right, not much happened the rest of the morning.  Al, Harold and Bill headed up to the park and had mixed results.

The entire group met for lunch at the conservation shack to share stories.   A mix of flies caught fish, both on top and near the bottom.    After lunch, Al, Harold and Bill headed back to the park, while Kenny and Glenn picked up where they left off at the first 90 degree left below the cable.    There were a lot of fish below the cable, which were healthy with beautiful colors.    Perdigons, hair of the dog, and hare’s ear nymphs were the ticket, with several in the net.   The last fish of the day was Kenny’s jump’n 17 inch brown caught on a blue perdigon.    It was beautiful and jumped three times, but still ended up in Kenny’s net.

The group had a craving for some Mexican Margaritas, but unfortunately, El Nopal in Sullivan was closed due to electrical issues.   So they had a good meal at the Cracker Barrel, then headed home with visions of beautiful weather and fish in their heads.

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