Trips: Just Another Bennett Trip

Fishing at Bennett Spring Trip 09/15/2022

I hadn’t fished Bennett Spring for a couple of weeks so I decided to post a trip there for September 15. I [Steve Baker] was joined by Bob Hassett, Don Varner and Vernon Preston. Since we were all riding in one car we made plans to meet at Don’s house and drive out Mo.100 to I-44. We proceeded out 44 to Lebanon and arrived at Bennett about 8:30. Bought our tags at the lodge and parked upstream by the restrooms. We couldn’t have asked for a better day and the stream was fairly busy with fisherman but we were all able to find plenty of room to fish.

Bob and I headed up to the spring while Don and Vernon fished the area below the first rock spillway. The fishing was a little light in the morning but everyone managed to net a few fish. The beetle work well for me on top and Bob was fishing a soft hackle. We met the others for lunch about 11:30. Their morning was about the same with fish on mop flies and cerise worms.

After lunch we again went separate ways. Vernon and I fished below the rock spillway and managed a few more fish. I then went downstream to fish between the ADA fishing jetties. I found that unless you can cast to the far side of the stream about all you’ll find on the fly is moss. I was able to get a fish on a nymph but it was to frustrating with all that moss. So I headed back upstream to check on Vern and he was still upright and in the same spot. We both caught a few more fish before calling it a day. Don had gone downstream to fish above the main spillway. He reported that the fishing was pretty good in that area. The best report was when Bob got back to the car smiling. He had gone below the main bridge and was able to pull in a half dozen fish. With a couple in the 16 to 19 inch range.

As we were all putting our gear away we decided to stop for dinner at American Taco in Rolla, it has become one of my favorite places. The food is always good but mainly because it’s a quick meal and allows us to get back on the road towards home.

Once again this trip gets 2 thumbs up for another great day of Fun, Fishing and Fellowship

Please get out and fish.  We owe it to ourselves.

Steve Baker

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