Trips: Let’s Go Fishing

Montauk trip 7/20 & 721

Steve Baker posted for a late July trip with the temps bordering on 100*. I ended up with

5 takers with 4 of us willing to stay overnight at the FATC cabin. Bob Hassett, Don

Varner, Vernon Preston, Jeff Rose and Steve Baker. Jeff Rose is a new member of FATC

and hasn’t even been through the class as yet. That didn’t stop him from fitting right in

with the group and I’m sure he will be an asset to FATC.

We left the commuter lot at about 6:15 and thanks to Jeff and his oversized truck the

overnighters were able to get all their gear in his vehicle. Bob Hassett wasn’t staying the

night so he drove himself and I rode down with him.

We went straight to the cabin and unloaded our gear, then went to the lodge for the tags.

We were in the water by about 9 am. The water was crystal clear with a flow rate of 109

Cubic feet per second and the gage height of 1.77 feet.

They had stocked the stream the night before with 750 trout all of them looking for

something other than pellets to feed on. Far be it from us to deprive them we all caught a

few fish before breaking for lunch. The flies of choice were rainbow warriors, pheasant

tails of different varieties, soft hackles, mop flies, San Juan and cerise worms and of

course midges. We were right back at it after lunch simply because it was much cooler in

the stream. The fishing was even better in the afternoon with most guys catching in the

double digits. We called it quits about 5 pm. To bid Bob Hassett farewell and to have a

safe trip home. Our plan was to grab dinner at the lodge and then fish some more till the

horn. Not to be, by the time we got our dinner and ate it was after 7 and we were all ready

to call it a day. It didn’t take long for everyone to chill out, get our showers and lights

out. We were back on the water Thursday by 7:30 with intentions of fishing through

lunch and meeting back at the truck. The mornings fishing turned out to be just about as

productive  as Wednesday. I even had a stretch of luck with a clink hammer fly picking

up 5 fish on the surface  in a little over an hour. I believe the 2 day trip was a success and

we all had fun.

We headed back to the cabin to pack up our gear and give the cabin a once over as per the

rules of having the cabin as a convenience for the FATC members.

Thank You Sue Nelson

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