Trips: FATC Meets Altar in the Driftless

If you remember in November 2021 your FATC sponsored Altar Fly Fishing for a pastor trip at Montauk State Park. It was an awesome time for all including all of our guys that served. This time we had the privilege of having Altar serve us. Six FATC members headed north to the famous Driftless area of Wisconsin to chase the wild browns and partake in an Altar retreat. Jan Spalding, John Muckerman, Bill Keenum, Vernon Preston, Tony Kalinowski and Kenny Klimes packed their gear and drove the seven hours to the famous Driftless.

Now, the Driftless gets its name from the glaciers that missed the area many millions of years ago and did not deposit drift in the area. You see in geology, drift is the name for all material of glacier origin found anywhere on land or at sea, including sediment and large rocks. Glacier origin refers to erosion, transportation, and deposition by glaciers. So, the Driftless area has no drift! Interesting!

Our six members drove in two vehicles north to Wisconsin on Wednesday, May 11th. The seven-hour drive allowed us all to get to know each other better and what we did not realize that the retreat would do the same. When we arrived, we were greeted by the Altar staff and unloaded our gear in two different “yellow” houses for the week. One yellow house would be “base” camp for all activities – food, retreat sessions, fly fishing classes and fellowship.

Instead of going into each day it is easier to just tell you about what we did. Each day Altar had us paired up with a guide who would lead us to the waters we would fish. Everyone got to fish different waters each day. Jason Randall (expert euro-nymphing guide and author) would fish with all of us at one time or another. But all of us would rotate through the Altar guides each day. The streams of the Driftless are narrow but hold wild brown trout and a few brook trout. Our group caught mostly browns in the 6-inch  –  14-inch range and even a few brookies. Most of our group used the euro-nymphing style to catch and some even used dry droppers. I have to admit this area has some of the most beautiful waters I have ever fished. And if you get the chance to fish it – do not pass it up.

Each afternoon after fishing we would settle in and go through the retreat book that Altar provided for us. Eric Camfield, president of Altar, would lead us in discussion that would hit home with a lot of guys. I do not need to tell you details of the sessions just ask our guys if the sessions made them think. Ask them if the sessions affected them at all. Everyone participated in the discussions and a lot of “stuff” was thrown out for all to “chew” on.

In the evening hours Jason Randall took over and taught advanced euro-nymphing. I have to say since we saw him at our November event at Montauk euro-nymphing techniques have changed again!! This sport is constantly evolving, and Jason is up to date – always. Jason challenged all of us to be better euro-nymphing fly fishers. Do not know about euro-nymphing? Well, using it you will catch more fish. I am hoping to get Jason to come down to STL and teach us a few classes (of course I will have to bring out the good bourbon).

I have to bring up the food that was prepared by Jo and her team. Jo, a gourmet chef, prepared meals for us that you would only get in the fanciest restaurants. The selection of food and the unbelievable smells and taste filled the room for each meal. Thank you, Jo, and to your team!! And also, a huge thank you to the entire Altar staff. They served us each day with love and caring. Whatever we needed they were there for us. Thank you to Eric and his staff. A special thanks to Jason for sharing his expertise and Tom Starmack (of Zoetic Flies) for sharing his ideas on tying flies.

So, if you can go on an Altar trip in the future do not miss it. Their website has all future trips. BUT, if you want to do a special FATC/Altar trip we can arrange that too. Maybe we could do it here in Missouri if we get enough interest. Yes, there were many funny moments during the retreat. But most of you that were not there would not get the humor. Check out the pictures and enjoy.

One Response

  • We will be working on another retreat/fly fishing trip in the future with Altar Fly Fishing. Do not miss the next opportunity for this awesome event.

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