Trips: Success at Bennett? Just a little…

Water clarity: murky
Water temp: 57 degrees.
Water flow was up, 489.7 (normal is 250-300)
Water gauge height was a bit above 3 feet (about a foot over normal…)
The higher water level required everyone to fish deeper than normal.

Met at 5:30 am at the commuter lot at 109, and were on the road as a group by 5:45.
A forecast of 100% chance of rain would not stop our intrepid band of fishermen.
Sure enough, a couple hours after suiting up and getting in the water, the rains came.
The first hour,  at the spring, there was a substantial black caddis hatch, but no major activity on top.
One could find a spot to fish in most of the favorite areas, like the spring or below the Holland dam (right next the parking lot).
Other places fished were above and below the arched stone bridge, as well as a stretch below the handicap areas located 100 yards above the dam. Steve Baker also fished the stretch behind the lodge until a “spinner” hatch occurred (6 guys with spinning rods showed up and took over.)
The rain was not a downpour, but did sprinkle without stop from 10:30 am until we left Bennett at 5:30 pm. All came prepared, so it was not a major hardship.
If anything it helped to keep excessive fisherman away, although there were  surprising number of people fishing.

On the way home, a stop at Waffle House in Lebanon was a rare treat since each of us said we liked the food, but our wives never wanted to go.

“Whatcha ketch em on ?”
Scott  Payne caught 59:
15 on his new version of the big hurt; 35 on house of Payne; the rest on egg pattern. (House of Payne was the bottom fly).

Steve  Baker caught 10:
3 on the bead egg with a bare hook below, 4 on House of Payne and 3 on Devin Olsen’s red dart (wet fly)

Bob Hassett caught 15:
2 on egg; 4 on House of Payne; 5 on purple midge and 4 big hurt.

DanStag caught 33:
5 on black zebra midge (fatty); 1 stripping a Crackleback and 27 on the Bennett Springs Killer. (High sticking it under an indicator was effective all day) No luck for Dan chucking streamers which is a work in progress.

At the lodge it was posted that the number of fish stocked was 450. Between all of us, we caught and released a quarter of that number.

Although there were lots of sore lips, no fish were harmed in the enjoyment of this exciting day of fun and fellowship at Bennett Spring !

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