Trips: Mano a Mano

Graduation day for Derrik Kassebaum was this past Friday ( December 10th) and amazingly no one signed up for the trip. Come on guys it is catch and release season and it will only be around for just two more months. Anyway, I had him all to myself (Kenny). Why does that sound sinister? So, Derrik and I met up and had an enjoyable day of fishing.

As always, Derrik and I started near the boulder to practice casting and the different techniques that he learned in class. The weather was cloudy and warm for this time of year and the park was not too crowded. Several trout were caught before lunch and Derrik and I decided to try the campground area in the afternoon. It was fairly free of fly fishers except for two others. Again, do not miss this season – the parks are usually empty with plenty of room to fish.

In the afternoon Derrik and I threw small flies – you know size 18 – 20. We did well. I swung Barr’s Emergers and he used midge larva and small copper johns under an indicator. No Big fish to speak of but most were in the 10 – 14-inch range. Derrik did well – congratulations for completing the FATC fly fishing class. Who is next?

Unfortunately, I was not feeling well – sore throat and bad cough so we didn’t break bread together. We will have to do it on a later date.  

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