Trips: I’m Priddy Sure We Can Fish Taneycomo!

Well, our first Taneycomo trip of the year was, well, was not at Taneycomo. We were looking so good until the rains of two weeks ago filled Table Rock lake and caused it to rise over 3 feet.  The lake filled up and the water was dumped and dumped and dumped out into Lake Taneycomo. So, as Peyton Manning would yell out at the line of scrimmage when he would call an audible “Omaha, Omaha”. And we called an audible.

Charlie Trankler, Dave Beerbower, Vernon Preston, Tim Trog joined Kenny Klimes on the first Taneycomo trip of the year.  We met Friday morning and headed to Bennett Spring State park to start our fly-fishing adventure. We found Bennett Spring park high, fast and on the “murky” side, but we came to fish. So, the gear went on and we headed to the water. The morning was tough.  A few fish were caught as we fished up near the spring.  After a bite to eat Tim found one of his “favorite spots” and called Kenny on the phone. “You might want to get down here and bring the guys too. I am on the north side of the dam. And catching fish!”.  So, we joined him. What are you using Tim? A John Deere he said. Kenny watched him catch fish after fish and finally broke down. “Give me one of those damn John Deere’s” he said. And the catching began! I am not sure what that fly imitates but they are correct when they say, “ It runs like a deer!”. I’m “Priddy Sure” Kenny will have a few in his box next time.

Of course, you cannot go to Bennett without having some “Hoosier” try to move in 3 feet next to you if he sees you catching fish. “Excuse me but do you mind if I move in right next to you?”  “Yes, I do!” “But that’s my favorite spot!”  “Well, there’s three miles of water here go find another!!”  I just don’t get it.

Friday night we made it to the Condo and had dinner. We discussed the next audible and decided to fish Roaring River State park on Saturday. Oh Yea, Dave pulled out NCAA basketball bracket sheets – $5 and pick your teams for the Friday and Saturday night games. High score gets the money. I guess this is the spot where I say “Thank you, boys. I’ll put your money to good use!”

Saturday, we fished the fly fishing only area at Roaring River. Ok in the morning but better fishing again, in the afternoon.  The park was crowded but not in the fly only area. Seems like Arkansas and Oklahoma let out for spring break. We packed it in around 3pm and  headed back for dinner. 

We had several options for Sunday fishing but after breakfast the four (Charlie, Dave, Vernon, and Tim) decided to head back home early. We were all pretty beat. Kenny went to Springfield to visit a friend. And the first Taneycomo trip ended. Did we have fun? Of course, we did and got to know each other a little better. These three-day trips are always a blast. We caught fish. We laughed. We ate. What else is there. I’m “Priddy Sure” we will do it again.

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