Service: Call to Arms (on Veteran’s Day)

Each time the “Call to Arms” goes out in our fellowship it never ceases to amaze me the generosity and volunteerism of our members. One of our long-time members Bruce Morton has been struggling with multiple myeloma, a bone marrow cancer, for several years now.  Bruce asked if the FATC could help him with some yard work and 15 members showed up to help him on Veteran’s day.  Cars and trucks showed up with rakes, blowers, trimmers, leaf bags and more. It was overwhelming the grace shown by our members.  Three hours later trees were trimmed, leaves were raked and bagged, and Bruce’s garage was cleaned.

A big thank you goes out to Dave Beerbower, Steve Baker, Paul Jacoby, Scott (and his wife, Susan) Payne, Mike Oldani, Dan Staggenborg, Bob Hassett, Jim Anzer, Paul Schneider, Matt McClure, Gary Elliott, John Best, Jim Petersen, and Kenny Klimes. Everyone worked hard for the full three hours and loads got done for Bruce. Afterwards the entire group broke bread together in fellowship with pizza and drinks supplied by the FATC.  Bruce even passed out to everyone his new book, “Cancer Bows to a Smile” Volume Two, he wrote on his journey fighting cancer. I have read volume one of his book and it was emotional and uplifting. If you know anyone struggling with cancer you need to get them this book!

Service like this is why this fellowship exists and grows.  In the end we will hear, “well done, good and faithful servant”.  If able, join us at our next service event whether it be for our local community, a charity or one of our own brothers.  Remember, “it isn’t just about the fly fishing…”

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