Trips: Inaugural Float Trip

Dan Staggenborg, Mike Oldani, Jason Edwards, Mike Bisaga, Scott Payne and Matt McClure recently set off for the 1st Inaugural FATC Float/Fish Trip down the Current River.  We set up camp at Pinecrest Campground where we were welcomed by the owners Ethan & Marie Tuttle.  This is a great campground located very close to Baptist Camp and the Ethan & Marie are awesome campground hosts and run an excellent operation. This was a two day trip.  We set out on the first day floating from Cedar Grove to Akers Ferry.  Fishing was very tough but the float was absolutely beautiful.  A couple of us kayaked while others shared a canoe.  Water was a little low but we had no problem navigating the water.  That evening we had a group cookout at our campsites.  Scrumptious hamburgers were grilled along with the fixins (corn, potatoes salad, chips and dessert).  After dinner we were all able to converse around a nice campfire and shoot the bull.  Ethan the owner showed up a little later at our campsites in his extreme four wheel razor and gave Matt and Jason the ride of their lives back in their 300 plus acres of wooded property.  Day 2 consisted of floating from Parkers Ford to Cedar Grove.  Although a shorter stretch than day one it allowed us to fish every hole along the way without having any time constraints.  Unfortunately Day 2 was also very challenging in regards to catching fish.  The weather was a little cold however we had prepared and wore cold weather gear.  Day 2 was just as beautiful due to Fall colors still being prevalent.  Once again we had a group meal back at the campsite this time switching it up to grilled brats, green beans, baked beans, chips and dessert.  Yes it was yummy.  We were also treated to some amazing pulled pork that Ethan the owner had smoked earlier that day in lieu of Karaoke night that was taking place later in the evening at their awesome pavilion.  That turned out to be a whole other story.  After most had primed themselves with Manhattans or the cocktail of their choice it was time to head up to the pavilion to partake in Karaoke.  Yes we all took part in singing some great country classics.  It was absolutely a blast. We look forward to hosting more trips next year and have come up with a way to include larger groups without crowding each other on the stream.  Stayed tuned for more information on 2021 trips.  If you think you would be interested in one of these trips send an email to Matt McClure and Dan Staggenborg.   

Hope you all enjoy the upcoming Holiday Season!
Matt McClure

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