Trips: New River

Dave Beerbower vacationing in North Carolina sends us this fishing report:

As we are winding up our month in N.C., I decided to try a new river. The stocked streams are very crowded, so I went to the Middle Fork of the New River. Since it is only two minutes from our cabin, why not? The stream is small, but has a variety of pools and nice runs for soft hackles. Wild fish are a lot harder to fool, so stealth was the order of the day. I fished for about two hours and caught three wild browns. The flashback pheasant tail was the fly of the day in a size 20. Good to know I can hit a stream close to the house with no pressure on the wild trout. The noise from the highway is a downer, but that means I can get fishing faster!
The colors on these wild fish are spectacular.

Rhododendron is everywhere.

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