Trips: The Short and the Tall

Graduation Trip 8-5-2020

Your FATC had another big graduation trip this past Wednesday. Thirteen members hit the waters at Montauk State park on a beautiful day – temperatures in the 70s and partly cloudy skies. Tony Kalinowski and Steve Stipanovich were ready to graduate from their FATC fly fishing class and challenge the trout of the Current River. Their instructors, Kenny Klimes and Jim Craig, would put them through the ringer on the water by testing them on all that they learned in class. Along for the fun were several other FATC members to include Steve Baker, Sid Aslin, Bill Lowry, John Muckerman, Jeff Nagle, Charlie Trankler, Tim Klotz, Dan Staggenborg, and Don Varner.

If some of you are trying to place the names of Tony and Steve let me help. Tony Kalinowski has a podcast and interviewed our chairman earlier this year, which some of you have listened to already. And Steve Stipanovich was a college All American basketball player at MIZZOU and a star in the NBA with the Indiana Pacers. But can they fly fish was the question of the day?!?!

The park was relatively crowded on this day as many took advantage of the beautiful weather. Jim and Kenny took Tony and Steve to the usual starting location for the class as the others spread out throughout the park. An unbelievable Trico hatch was taking place on the waters in the morning which had trout feeding near the top. Several FATC members did well taking advantage of the feeding rainbows. But it wasn’t easy as several found it frustrating that some of the trout wouldn’t participate when soft hackles and emergers were thrown at them. Tony and Steve practiced several techniques in the morning to get ready for the afternoon “catching” period.

As we gathered at noon for lunch the talk was on fishing and making new friends. A big thank you and shout out to Dan Staggenborg who basically rebuilt the picnic benches that we normally use near the nature center in the park. Awesome job, Dan!! After lunch Jim and Kenny took Tony and Steve to the beginning of the Current river. From here they worked themselves downstream for the rest of the afternoon. Steve caught his graduation fish early in the afternoon while Tony decided to wait until closer to the end of the day. But the important thing is that they both did a great job and learned a little more about the fascinating world of fly fishing.  I was extremely impressed when Steve got caught in a tree and he coolly walked up to it, pulled down the branch and got his fly free. I would have needed a ladder but when you are 7 feet tall you have some advantages. The rest of the group all did well despite the crowded waters and most found spots were fish were located. We finished the trip with fellowship dinner at Hicks BBQ in Cuba as Tony and Steve consumed the initiation meal of the famous Ory’s Spud. They were a little jealous as the rest of the group ate ribs and brisket!

With school starting up soon and summer vacations ending we hope that the rivers will become less crowded. If you “need” to get out and fly fish please get on a trip soon – the fresh air will do you good.

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