Trips: “Sometimes you just gotta go”

I put the word out for a trip to Montauk with a cautious eye on the weather and especially the water levels . Jim Craig, Vernon Preston and John Muckerman were all feeling the same way. We finally committed to go Tuesday evening Steve Baker and Vernon Preston rode together and Jim Craig and John Muckerman opted to drive down on their own. We met up at the stream about 8:30 or 9, and where we were joined by Sid & Bob Aslin.

The morning fishing found the water a little fast and murky. Jim had his usual success with a few nice size fish and Steve was able to get 3 non photo worthy fish to the net. Vernon was able to maintain his streak of fishless days and he finally decided to toss the rod and reel and take a swim.

We broke for lunch about 12:30 and were joined by Dan Staggenborg. After lunch we returned to fishing. I found the afternoon fishing very slow and gave up about 3:30 blaming my back for not cooperating. I met Jim Craig and a dripping wet Vernon Preston back at the car about 4:30. We pack it in and headed to Mo. Hicks BBQ for dinner.

As usual it was a great day with a lesson learned for me. If the water flow is over 300 cfs with a water level pushing 3 ft. you need too be very steady on your feet and carry a wading staff. I personally found the day a real challenge.

Steve Baker

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