Trips: Colorado, Coronavirus and Wind

Matt McClure and I (Kenny Klimes) recently completed our annual trip out to fish the waters of the South Platte river.  This year the trip had a different “flavor” that it never had before and probably will never have again. With the coronavirus building a head of steam we discussed if we should go or not. Missouri still only had a few cases and only New York, Illinois and Washington were in the news. So, we cancelled our airline reservations, decided to drive, made sandwiches for the long drive, only stopped for gas, told the lodge we didn’t want any maid service and only traveled to and from the river to fish. But we wish that it was going to be that easy.

Our first full day we hit Cheeseman Canyon – definitely one of the most beautiful places to fly fish in the United States. We started the long walk into the canyon to find that everyone in Colorado decided to do the same thing – fly fish. With many Coloradans not working they headed outdoors to release the COVID-19 tension out in nature – fly fishers and hikers everywhere. But Matt and I did find a few holes open and had the opportunity to catch some beautiful Cheeseman Canyon trout. The day was full of walking but through some of the most beautiful scenery that you could ask for.

On our second day we met up with our guide and friend, Landon Mayer. We first checked out the portion of the South Platte that runs into Spinney Reservoir. There was still a little too much ice on the river, so we headed to the famous Dream Stream in the Charley Meyers Recreation area. We fished the lower section and hunted for the giant trout of the Dream Stream.  Using mostly beads and leech patterns we caught about six nice trout between the two of us. It wasn’t easy as the water was higher than normal, and the WIND was ripping through the area. At times gusting to 40 mph, the wind made it difficult to cast and mend. But with the size of the fish we caught and others in the area catching nothing we marked the day down as a success.

On day three, we attacked the upper stretch of the Dream Stream and again fought the wind all day. Landon, who I call the Osprey, used his vast knowledge and unbelievable eyesight to spot fish in places we didn’t even know they would go. We worked hard all day against the wind and must have walked over six miles hunting for fish. It was a good day but a hard day of hunting.

On day four, the Colorado governor came out with an order for people to stay home and stay at least six feet away from each other.  Well, that’s going to put a dent in the fishing. We met up with Landon and decided it best to cancel this day of fishing. Saying our goodbyes to Landon and setting up our trip for the next year, Matt and I headed back to the lodge to start packing for home. As we entered the lodge parking lot, we noticed it was loaded with police cars along with five officers with guns drawn. A man with a warrant for his arrest, the winds, the coronavirus, the carryout food, and more made this one trip that will not soon be forgotten.

The next morning, we headed back home with the long drive.  We’ll be back next year but hoping the next trip will be slightly different. 

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