Trips: The Miles Meyer Memorial Tournament

Our first annual tournament finally came about since the last two tries we had to cancel due to weather. But after the unexpected passing of our “brother” Miles Meyer who would have definitely been in the tournament, the FATC decided to name the tournament in his honor. Each year we will have the Miles Meyer Memorial tournament to remember Miles. He was just an awesome guy and he will be truly missed.

Once we changed the name of the tournament to honor Miles a few more guys found a way to skip work an honor him by participating in his tournament. So, four carloads of 14 FATC members headed down to Montauk State park for the last day of catch and release season and to see who will reign the champion of our first tournament.  The tournament participants were Sid Aslin, Mike Bisaga, Sterling Short, John Muckerman, Steve Baker, Ron Berger, Rick Doerr, Mike Meadows, Pete Drochelman, Mike Oldani, Matt McClure, Bill Byington, Glenn Haake, and Kenny Klimes.

The participants all received a map of the nine tournament fishing areas in the park. Then they picked numbers out of a hat to see which area they would be allowed to fish for the tournament period (9am – noon). They could only fish in their area for the 3-hour tournament period. You wouldn’t believe all of the whining!! But they got their areas and headed out to catch as many trout as they could. Only trout in the net would count for score. All participants put a dollar in the kitty and the winner would get the money BUT with it he had to buy himself dessert on the way home at our fellowship dinner. And with the extra money he had to buy Kenny’s dessert because it was his birthday.

Kenny was the judge as he walked the entire length of the park checking in on each participant. He was strict as he did catch one individual fishing outside his assigned area. That participant had one fish taken away from his score since he caught it outside his zone.

Everyone reported back by noon and the scores came rolling in. The winner by more than five trout was Sterling Short with 13 trout caught in his assigned area.  Everyone said they had a great time and that it was a learning experience. At lunch we all made a toast to Miles with some libation that might have been illegal to have in the park (we think but not sure). After lunch we all headed out to fish again but this time wherever we wanted to go.  The afternoon was good fishing as a myriad of different flies caught fish. We celebrated the first annual tournament with a fellowship at a place that could only handle 14 guys – Hicks BBQ in Cuba.

Next year the tournament will be on Monday, February 8th. Hope to see you there

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