Trips: The Dirty Dozen plus One

So many things going on in the FATC I apologize that this report is a few days late. This trip started with four guys and built it’s way to 12 + 1. We headed to Montauk to fish so let’s see if I can get all the players correct; Kenny Klimes, Jim Craig, Lance Sharkey, Jim Anzer, Don Varner Vernon Preston, Jim Franke, Paul Schneider, Barry Dunnegan, Al Blair, Steve Baker, Bob Beckett and the plus one from southern Illinois was our member Zach McGinn.  It was a beautiful day but maybe a little too nice to fish. The fishing over all was fair. Guys caught fish all day with various flies – there wasn’t one fly that out-performed the other.  Several guys practiced their Euro-nymphing techniques throughout the day while others nymphed, stripped small streamers and swung soft hackles.  Most guys caught 5-10 rainbows with a couple doing slightly better.

You know there is only one more month for winter catch and release fishing. It will end on the day of our BIG tournament, February 10th. Check our FATC calendar for details on the tournament and sign up when the email comes out. That’s it for now. Enjoy the pictures – they tell more about the trip.



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