Five FATC members, Mike Bisaga, Mike Chambers, Bill Lowry, Mike Oldani and Patrick Gallagher headed out on a clear warm morning. We met at our normal location in Robertville State Park. After a quick briefing for the new guys, we headed out on our moderate, 1/3 mile off-trail hike to the stream. The forest was not too overgrown yet, so the hike was not bad.
When we arrived at the creek, we were not surprised at what we found. Since this was not even a month after the severe flooding in the St Louis area, the stream looked much different than last time we were out in the fall. The stream bed had changed a bit with the addition of some very large downed trees and brush piles, However, the most significant change was that the stream bottom was covered in thick mud and silt. There was very little exposed gravel or rock. As we all know, gravel and rock are where our aquatic insects live. Without sufficient habitat to live, they will not survive. In addition, there was significant erosion or the stream bank.
We completed our testing, and the results reflected what we suspected. Insects were found, but not the variety or numbers that we have found in the past. We will be back at this site in a few months, so we will see if things have changed.